Survival Systems International (UK) | Testimonial | Moorepay

What our customers say

Survival Systems International (UK)

Survival Systems International (UK)

Goes over and above to help us.

About survival systems

Survival Systems International (SSI) are an innovative lifeboat manufacturing company that provides offshore operators with the equipment, instruction and knowledge to achieve a safe evacuation when an emergency occurs on an offshore installation. SSI focuses on Marine Safety through routine maintenance, overload testing, fast rescue craft maintenance and onshore / offshore repairs. Working closely with marine equipment supply and support services, SSI have over 50 years’ experience in the industry.

What we did for them

SSI have been a Moorepay customer since 2019 enjoying Moorepay’s HR Services and the HR Hub.

Our HR Services product means they have 24/7/365 access to expert advice across employment law and workplace health and safety. Our experts are trained and up to speed with the latest changes in employment law, ensuring they only give valid advice.

This customer also enjoys access to our HR Hub. Through this interactive portal, SSI can quickly navigate important HR documentation and access templates, webinars and eLearning. Using the Hub, SSI were quickly able to find HR templates in-line with the latest legislation changes, see their Advice Line case notes, access their own documentation, webinars and eLearning.

Jeannette Taylor is always a pleasure to talk to at Moorepay and on each occasion I have spoken with her, she has given sound advice and takes the time to fully explain and answer any questions I have. She goes over and above to help us.

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