Bollegraaf UK | Testimonial | Moorepay

What our customers say

Bollegraaf UK

Bollegraaf UK

Fantastic service.

About Bollegraaf

Bollegraaf is world leader in the engineering and production of turnkey recycling solutions. The company is renowned for its innovative and reliable solutions and for the high quality of its products. Bollegraaf has proven itself as a market leader in the industry over the past 55 years. It invests into research and development of innovative technologies with its primary objective to provide first-class turnkey recycling solutions with the highest ROI for the customer.

Together with its clients, Bollegraaf aims to make the difference – a world of difference – in the market. It faces fundamental challenges with decisive technology to build on a truly sustainable global future.

What we did for them

Bollegraaf enjoy Moorepay’s Health & Safety Package, which is part of our suite of HR Services packages.

Being a business working in the recycling industry, maintaining excellent health and safety procedures and controls is essential to keep the business running smoothly. This is why Bollegraaf came to Moorepay for health and safety support.

With our H&S Package, Moorepay take care of their paperwork, policies, contracts, risk assessments and documentation, as well as providing expert advice whenever needed. This allows Bollegraaf’s key stakeholders to relax knowing their health and safety is covered, enabling them to focus on other areas of the business.

Bollegraaf were particularly pleased to have one-to-one support from the health and safety team.

Fantastic service. Great, friendly and informative communication from the Moorepay team.

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