New Year, New Challenge - Are you legally Compliant? | Moorepay
January 19, 2016

New Year, New Challenge – Are you legally Compliant?

As businesses return to work and look forward to what the New Year will bring, it is also a good time to start the year on the right footing with your Health & Safety Management Programme.

So, how do you establish where you are at with your own business and your Health & Safety programme?

A simple Health & Safety Audit with Moorepay can give you the support that you need, as a subscribed and valued customer, you may already have the Audits available to you but you were either unaware or just too busy to find the time to have this audit done, these audits are carried out at your premises, thus reducing any inconvenience to you.

Even if you do not have any scheduled audits or site visits planned, we can help you to put these in place

The legal point of view

Business owners are legally obliged to consider the health and safety of themselves, their employees, and anyone else affected by their work and the way they do it.

The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 states that employers must:

  • Identify risks at work and possible precautions.
  • Identify the person responsible for carrying out the precautions.
  • Provide a means of carrying out their health and safety policy and establish a procedure for reporting accidents.
  • Identify relevant legal standards that apply in each part of the workplace.
  • Have a written statement of general policy (if they have five or more employees) with respect to health and safety at work.

By having one of our highly qualified Health & Safety Consultants come in and see you and arrange to carry out this simple audit, you will rest assured knowing that upon completion of the audit and you addressing any actions arising with the guidance of your dedicated Consultant, that you will be legally compliant, leaving you free to do what you do best within your business.

The Audit highlights key areas specific to your industry and by following the advice, guidance and actions plan created by your Consultant, you will be able to put policies, procedures, risk assessments and training programmes in place, all of which will get you to where you need to be, you will be legally compliant.

You even access to our online Management system which helps you keep all your current documents in one place, accessible from any PC, so you always have your finger on the pulse of your business, you, can then rest assured.

Your employees will benefit from a safer work environment, safe in the knowledge that you, as a business, are addressing your roles and responsibilities, this, in turn, improves site morale and can aid productivity and revenue within your business.

If you would like to speak to one of our team about any Audits you may have outstanding, or to discuss us arranging an initial discussion to establish your needs, why not contact us using the address below.

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HR Consultancy Team Moorepay

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