An Update from Anthony | February 2021 | Moorepay
February 17, 2021

An Update from Anthony | February 2021

Anthony Vollmer Managing Director of Moorepay

It’s been a very difficult few months since my last blog post as the impact of the pandemic continues to ricochet and touch us all. Day-to-day life is still incredibly challenging for many.

You’ll know from your own friends, family and professional networks that NHS staff and other key workers, including payroll professionals, remain under immense pressure. Meanwhile, those of us who can continue to work from home, are juggling jobs with home-schooling, childcare and life in lockdown.

Hopefully you, like me, feel heartened by the news that we’ve met our first vaccine target of 15 million people, and that phase two of the schedule is already underway. However, optimism for the future will not undo the damage done by the last year. For many people, families and companies, it will take far longer to rebuild and look forward.

We’re trying our hardest to support our customers who are most stretched by the lockdown, continuing to process furlough, create JRS claim reports and provide HR guidance. I continue to be very grateful to the whole Moorepay team for their professional and personal commitment to our customers.

Like many other organisations, we’ve been taking stock through the winter and thinking through how to build a better business for our employees and for you, our customers, so that we can all take something constructive from the last year.

What does this look like? Well, we’ve been guided by the results from our annual customer satisfaction (CSAT) survey that we carried out in October last year. On the back of your feedback, we’ve been making plans to step up the Moorepay customer experience.

Over the coming months and throughout 2021, we will invest heavily into key areas that will transform the experience our customers have with us. Directed by the feedback you gave us, we’re committing to upgrade our products and services, as well as investing in our internal processes and our people.

From the moment a new customer is onboarded, to the day-to-day functionality you and your employees enjoy in our software, to the touch points you have with the Moorepay team; these things will look and feel different by the time we close out the year.

For instance, you can expect the roll-out of our Next Generation Payroll & HR software to bring huge improvements to our system user interface, as well as richer functionality and increased payroll automation. Plus, you’ll see the arrival of our Employee App on iOS and Android, something that will change the way your people interact with their pay information – increasing accessibility and convenience.

Further, we’ve already reviewed our organisational structure with the intention to remove the bottle necks that affect our customer service. We have further bolstered the resourcing amongst the departments that have been most stretched by increased demand during the pandemic.

In addition to all of this we’re going to be asking for your feedback more regularly. This won’t take the form of extensive surveys, instead we’ll be gathering your opinions in-the-moment, asking you to rate our products and services as you experience them. This real-time information will help us get closer to our customers and gain a thorough understanding of what you really value from us, as well as the things you’d like us to focus on improving.

The coming introduction of regular product and service customer scoring is critical to the success of our objective to become a more customer-led organisation – something we’re incredibly passionate about.

Join me for a live Customer Update (Webinar on 4 March)

I’d like to share with you some of the key themes we gleaned from our CSAT survey findings, as well as more details of the resulting action plan and the investments Moorepay is making into the customer experience. I’m also keen to hear your feedback and answer any questions you may have. So, if you’d like to know more, please join me for a live customer update on Thursday 4 March at 10am.

My update will also include some interesting statistics on the uptake of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) to date, informed by the data in our payroll and HR software. Plus, based upon some feedback from my last customer update, I’d like to tell you about out Faster Payments service. I’ll be joined by our partner Income Group to explain what Faster Payments are, and what they mean for the future of payroll.

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Anthony Vollmer MD of Moorepay against brick wall
About the author

Anthony Vollmer

Anthony is Managing Director of Moorepay. Previously, Anthony led two of the most successful challenger brands in UK telecoms. As CEO, he led the rapid growth of Tesco Mobile to become the UK’s largest and most successful virtual mobile network, delivering material profit growth to JV partners Tesco and Telefonica and industry leading levels of customer satisfaction.

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