Valor Hospitality Europe | Testimonial | Moorepay

What our customers say

Valor Hospitality Europe

Valor Hospitality Europe

Second to none support.

About Valor Hospitality Europe

Valor Hospitality Partners is a full-service hotel and restaurant management, hotel acquisition, and hotel development company. They are reimagining the hotel industry and believes in excellence and attention to detail, which might be why they are so successful in growing their portfolio of hotels across the UK and the world.

Valor Hospitality Europe operate the portfolios for DTP Hospitality UK Ltd (17 UK hotels) and HICP Limited (18 hotels), a more recent acquisition of the portfolio.

What we did for them

Valor enjoys Moorepay’s Software Payroll Bundle, which includes training and analytics. Moorepay’s Payroll Software offers Valor reliable software with rich functionality – and automatic compliance with the continually updating payroll legislation.

In particular, they’ve appreciated the smooth onboarding process that has been backed with personal support from our team. As changing payroll providers can be a demanding process for those involved, we make sure it’s as easy as possible for our customers.

The support from the install team has been second to none. They have been there every step of the way and a very reassuring presence.

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