Foundry4 | Testimonial | Moorepay

What our customers say



I’m so grateful for your help and input, it was really reassuring to be in a safe pair of hands.

About Foundry4

Foundry4 brings together specialist technology services businesses, offering a complete solution to private and public sector institutions looking to deliver innovative digital services.

Foundry4 provides end-to-end solutions across insights, strategy and delivery. Its services include cloud and data platforms, helping boards build and maintain modern IT operations and cloud-based platforms for data management and intelligence. It also builds and maintains intelligent automation platforms and engineers new software to meet business requirements.

The four values that drive its mission is agility, precision, pace, and people, which you can read more about here.

What we did for them

Moorepay supplies Foundry4 with our Managed Payroll Bundle, meaning Moorepay look after the bulk of payroll processing on behalf of its business. With our Managed Payroll service, we manage everything from the data validation, calculation, payroll processing, printing, distribution and reporting of its payroll. The bundle also gives Foundry4 access to a dedicated UK-based account manager to help them whenever they need it.

They also opted for Faster Payments, a type of electronic transfer which speeds up the payment process. This means Foundry4 have more time to make last-minute changes to payments including its staff’s payroll, and enables them to keep money in the bank a little longer to accumulate extra interest.

Julia Vaughan, Moorepay’s Technical Delivery Consultant, was extremely helpful with a pension query that I had. She went above and beyond in understanding my question (to be honest – when I didn’t really understand it myself!) and came back to me promptly with a full answer.

Thanks again Julia – I’m so grateful for your help and input, it was really reassuring to be in a safe pair of hands.

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