Flexible Working Bill (making flexible working the default) | Moorepay

Employment Legislation

Flexible Working Bill (making flexible working the default)


Flexible Working Bill (making flexible working the default)


Effective sometime in 2023


A Private Members’ Bill has been sponsored by Labour MP Rt Hon Yasmin Qureshi.

The Bill would make the right to request flexible working – on matters such as including working hours, times and locations – a ‘day one’. The Bill received the backing of the government on its second reading in October 2022 and in December the government issued its proposals for implementing the changes the Bill contains.

It’s proposed that employees will be able to make two, rather than one flexible working request in a year, and employers will have a shorter time frame to respond to them.

Further, employees would no longer bear the burden of explaining how to mitigate the effect on their employer.

Latest update

The government’s support for this Bill was reiterated in the Spring Budget on 15 March 2023 by the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

We’re now awaiting the second reading in the House of Lords – this is still to be scheduled.

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