Extended protection and rights for employees | Moorepay

Employment Legislation

Extended protection and rights for employees


Extended protection and rights for employees


Effective sometime in 2023


  • For employment practitioners, when the government set out its legislative priorities for the coming parliamentary session, the Queen’s Speech on 10 May 2022 was more notable because of what was missing rather than what was included. First proposed in December 2019, the long-awaited Employment Bill was, again, missing.
  • The Bill would seek to create a single enforcement body, introduce a right for workers to request more predictable contracts, provide further protection for employees who are pregnant or who are on/returning from maternity leave during a redundancy exercise, and allow parents to take extended leave for neonatal care.
  • Subject to consultation, it had also been proposed to make flexible working the default unless an employer can evidence a good reason not to allow it.
  • Former Prime Minister Rt Hon Boris Johnson announced, on 12 May 2022, that Rt Hon Matt Warman MP had been asked to lead a review into what the government dubbed the ‘Future of Work’ review. The review was conducted in two parts.
  • The first involved a high-level assessment of key strategic issues, including existing commitments contained in the response to the Taylor Review of modern working practices.
  • The second provided a more detailed assessment of selected areas of focus. In their words, the review had hoped ‘inform the government’s plans to ensure the UK is equipped with the right workforce, skills and working environment to seize the new economic opportunities of Brexit, Levelling Up and Net Zero’.
  • Warnam responded on 1 September 2022, shortly before Johnson vacated Downing Street on 6 September 2022. Amongst other things, Warnam’s response highlighted a need for flexibility on location of work saying that government should, ‘continue to consider the rights of those who wish to work flexibly and develop a better understanding of what flexibility means for the various groups that make up the workforce’.
  • Following the premiership of Rt Hon Liz Truss, her successor Rt Rishi Sunak has backed three separate Private Members’ Bill concerning flexible working as a day one right, carers leave and additional protection for pregnant employees.
HR and employment law guide

Employment Law Guide

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