Dublcheck Franchisee Employee Handbook | Moorepay

Your Updated Dublcheck Franchisee Employee Handbook

Your Updated Dublcheck Franchisee Employee Handbook


  1. Updated Employee Handbook
  2. General Data Protection Regulation
  3. Principal Statements
  4. Addendum
  5. HR Hub
  6. Additional Changes
  7. Summary of Documents to Download

 Updated Employee Handbook

The Dublcheck franchisees’ employee handbook has been updated to reflect recent legislative and regulatory changes.

Download the Updated Employee Handbook

The first thing you need to do is add your business name in the grey box on the front cover. To satisfy your obligations, you need to publish a schedule of the changes prominently e.g. with wage slips, on your staff notice-board etc.

Download a template for notifying employees of changes to the handbook

Employees do not need personal copies of the updated handbook but they do need to know where to consult it.

 General Data Protection Regulation

You’re probably well aware that data protection legislation was significantly updated last May. We would particularly draw your attention to the handbook clause “Personal Information and Data Protection” in section two. This deals with the most significant impact of GDPR but it’s not the only clause that’s changed because of it.

In the past, your employees have tacitly acknowledged that you capture, process and retain their personal information. You do not want to be in a position where an employee tries to revoke your entitlement to their personal data. You need it to contact them, pay them, provide statutory benefits, deduct tax etc.

New staff therefore need to confirm your, and your third party representatives,’ right to such data. They need to acknowledge that you must collect, process and retain it in support of their employment. On your part, it’s extremely important that all personal data is retained confidentially, with strictly restricted access and only for as long as necessary. There are significant penalties for breaches of the legislation.

 Principal Statements

We have also provided up-to-date versions of your principal statements:

Download Principal Statement of Terms and Conditions of Employment 

Download Principal Statement of Terms and Conditions of Temporary Employment

You now need to add your business name and address in the grey boxes on both templates. These templates are mainly intended for new staff you may engage.

Download the Principal Statement Guidance

The declaration clause on the principal statement has been changed to reflect GDPR considerations. The pension clause has also been updated.


To apply GDPR considerations to current employees, you must issue what’s known as an addendum. This is basically a letter setting out the changes. You don’t need to re-issue a principal statement but please keep a copy of the addendum on each current employee’s file.

Download a sample Employee letter

 HR Hub

In addition to a summary of the advice you take, HR Hub also contains current HR and health & safety news and lots of other useful information.

The web address for HR Hub is https://hrhub.moorepay.co.uk

You can log onto HR Hub with your email address. However, it is also password protected for your security. If you’ve forgotten your password, you can reset it by clicking “forgotten password”. You’ll receive an email asking you to “click this link”. Moorepay will then send you a further email with a new password.

Copies of this updated employment documentation will be added to your account on HR Hub in due course.

 Additional Changes

Any additional changes you make are entirely your responsibility. If you have changed anything in the handbook or principal statements we may not be aware of this. You will need to adjust this version to reflect any additional changes you have made.

Changes should only relate to important, employment related issues. What appears in the handbook is potentially contractually binding. You should not add operational detail. By operational we mean things like details of cleaning processes you want staff to follow. It’s more difficult to change things in the future where this sort of detail is added. You may end up having to consult about routine changes to your business processes.

For questions about this review of your documentation, please telephone 0845 073 0240 [option 3 – Policy Team] or email policy.team@moorepay.co.uk

For questions about HR Hub please telephone 0845 073 0248 or email cc@moorepay.co.uk

 Summary of Documents to Download

Simply click on the links below to download the supporting documents

Employee Handbook

Template for notifying employees of changes to the handbook

Principal Statement (Permanent Employees)

Principal Statement (Temporary Employees) 

Principal Statement Guidance

Sample Employee LetterÂ