How to conduct fair, thorough and legally compliant HR investigations | Webinar | Moorepay

How to conduct fair, thorough and legally compliant HR investigations

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Wednesday 26 July | 11am 

Join us for an essential HR webinar that delves into the pivotal role of investigations in HR processes – from disciplinaries to whistleblowing.  

In case after case that ends up at an employment tribunal, we see employers caught out because they didn’t follow the necessary steps during the investigation process. So in this webinar, our seasoned expert Carl Hardcastle will outline how to conduct fair, thorough, and legally compliant investigations to ensure justice and protect your business.  

From grievances, bullying and harassment, compliance concerns, serious incidents and company procedure concerns – we’ll include expert insights and best practices to equip you with the tools necessary to navigate this topic. 

We'll cover

  • When and where are investigations used in the workplace

  • A fair and unbiased investigation process

  • Essential investigation skills

  • Navigating legal and compliance considerations

  • How this process contributes to a positive workplace culture

  • A Q&A with Carl

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