HR Essentials: Maternity Leave the Right Way | Moorepay
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HR Essentials: Maternity Leave the Right Way

July 2019

Barely a week goes by without an article relating to pregnancy and maternity in the workplace featuring in the news. This is often around employers finding themselves at an employment tribunal because they haven’t treated an employee fairly while pregnant or on maternity leave.

As an employer, do you understand the regulations around maternity leave? And what does best practice look like when supporting employees through their pregnancy, maternity leave and return to work?

Watch this webinar to understand:

  • An employee’s entitlement to maternity leave and pay

  • The importance of carrying out a health & safety risk assessment for pregnant employees

  • Managing redundancy for employees on maternity leave

  • The effect of a pay rise on Statutory Maternity Pay

  • The payment of bonuses whilst an employee is on maternity leave

  • Common pitfalls and how to avoid them

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