Removing mandatory vaccination as a condition of deployment in health and social care | Moorepay

Employment Legislation

Removing mandatory vaccination as a condition of deployment in health and social care


Removing mandatory vaccination as a condition of deployment in health and social care


Closed 1 March 2022


It had been expected that all health and social care providers in England were required to ensure their workers are fully vaccinated against Covid-19, unless they are exempt.

The regulations, once passed, would have applied to health and social care workers with direct, face-to-face contact with people while providing care – such as doctors, nurses, dentists and domiciliary care workers. The proposals, which were due to take effect on 1 April 2022, were scrapped following a government consultation to remove mandatory vaccination as a condition of deployment condition across all health and social care in England.

Consultation on this matter closed on 1 March and the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has published the consultation response. The response confirms that they intend to proceed with revoking vaccination as a condition of deployment.

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