Are we ready to start thinking about holidays again? | Moorepay
February 24, 2022

Are we ready to start thinking about holidays again?

Summer is around the corner and as more countries begin to open their boarders to tourism, are we ready to start thinking about holidays again?

For almost two years, the Covid-19 pandemic has put a stop to most types of holidays, especially long-haul travel. This has been devastating for the travel industry in particular, which relies on everyone enjoying a summer holiday or two.

The government has set out the “Living with Covid-19” plan and as part of this the need to self-isolate has been removed. However, everyone has been asked to use their common sense whilst living with covid-19 and especially whilst on holiday abroad. As part of this plan, the advice around encouraging the use of face coverings, adhering to social distancing measures, and continuing to regularly wash your hands etc. remains. So, what do we need to consider to keep everyone safe and hopefully Covid free whilst away from home?

Having a healthier holiday

Keeping your loved ones safe whilst traveling away from home is essential at normal times, but now, even more so during the current pandemic. What to pack and what to take with you is always a worry, but on top of the usual suntan lotions etc. you now must think about anti-bacterial wipes, hand sanitiser, and face coverings, if required.

Check your holiday insurance and make sure you have Covid-19 cover. This is for any unforeseen eventualities, the impact of another variant outbreak, or even changes to government travel restrictions. Your employer has a duty of care to ensure you are fit and well for your return to work. Although the government rules have changed for self-isolation, you may want to check with your employer before leaving to go on holiday. Your employer may still require you to isolate, pending a negative PCR test etc. which they may supply. In addition, whilst you’re no longer legally required to stay at home if you test positive, but your employer may request that you do.

Staying safe whilst abroad

Here’s some points that you need to consider before booking, and during a foreign holiday:

  • Ensure you have the relevant documentation and Covid passports if that’s what is required for the country you’re traveling to.
  • Wash your hands regularly (before, after and during your travel and trip).
  • Take hand sanitiser and biodegradable wipes to help keep surfaces and yourself clean and Covid free.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in a bin and wash hands with soap and water.
  • Open windows/doors to let fresh air in when sharing a space with others.
  • Take face coverings with you and wear these if required to do so. Even if you haven’t been wearing one in the UK, other countries have different rules, so check them before travelling.
  • Avoid close contact with anyone who is not directly in your travel party, especially in social environments where transmission can be more prevalent.
  • Follow social distancing regulations where applicable.

Check the Covid-19 restrictions for the countries you plan to visit whilst on holiday

Although the UK government has implemented a living with Covid-19 plan, this does not apply to other countries and you should check all data before planning your trip. Remember to adhere to other countries Covid-19 plans whilst you’re on holiday as they may differ from what’s been announced in the UK.

And finally….

Most importantly, have a fabulous holiday, remember to enjoy yourselves, have a great time making memories, whilst keeping yourself and others safe.

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About the author

Stephen Johnson

Stephen has over 25 years experience in private sector HR and management roles, working as a Manager for over 10 years and eventually moving into the financial services industry. In his current role as an HR Policy Review Consultant he develops, reviews and maintains our clients’ employment documentation. With extensive knowledge of management initiatives and HR disciplines Stephen is commercially focused and supports clients in delivering their business objectives whilst minimising the risk of litigation.

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