How to Keep Up with Payroll Legislation | Moorepay

How to Keep Up with Payroll Legislation

Getting your payroll calculations wrong can incur hefty fines from the HMRC. It can also damage your company’s reputation – remember the companies named and shamed in 2018 for failing to pay National Minimum Wage?! What’s more, incorrect payments can harm your employee morale, which undoubtedly has a knock-on effect on productivity.

But keeping up with the regular changes to payroll legislation is hard work. Just when you think you’re compliant – there’s something new to remember!

So, how do you stay on top of changing payroll legislation? We’ve put together this mini guide of six top tips to help you stay informed of the legislative changes to payroll.

What's inside?

  • Choosing Training Courses

  • Your Payroll Software

  • Using Social Media

  • Gaining Expert Advice

  • Setting up Email Alerts

  • Attending Events

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