Payrolling expenses and benefits for tax year 2023-24 | Moorepay

Payroll Legislation

Payrolling expenses and benefits for tax year 2023-24


Payrolling expenses and benefits for tax year 2023-24


Ongoing requirement


Effective now

  • You can now register to payroll your benefits from 6 April 2023.
  • Employers no longer need to submit a P11D for each employee for whom they payroll benefits.
  • For large employers, this will save paper and be better for the environment.


Informal payrolling

If you already have an informal agreement with HMRC to payroll benefits for the 2022 to 2023 tax year, you can continue to submit P11Ds marked ‘Payrolled’.

However, you should plan to formalise this agreement as soon as possible. HMRC may no longer accept new informal arrangements.

If you have had an informal arrangement in place you must register now to payroll your benefits.

payroll legislation guide

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