Customer Next Generation upgrade | Moorepay

Upgrade to our Next Generation Software

Ready to step into our Next Generation Software? Click below and your Account Manager will be in touch.

  • Easy to use
  • Easy to access
  • Easy to trust

Easy to use

You’re busy, we get it. That’s why we’ve spent time developing software you can navigate quickly. No more scratching your head wondering ‘where on earth is that screen I need?’

  • Simple workflows

    No need for extensive training on where to find things in our software, it’s clear as day with our simple menu structure.
  • Analytics & reporting

    Forget manually manipulating your data. Our Analytics module provides the data you care about in easy to use dashboards.
  • Guided support

    Tired of dealing with the same old employee queries? Our software pop-ups appear to help users when they get stuck.

Easy to access

  • Cloud-based
    Our software is backed by the latest Microsoft Azure technology, one of the most powerful, secure and reliable technologies on the market. We provide a seamless cloud-based experience that’s accessible anywhere from any device.
  • Microsoft Office 365 integration
    There’s no need to navigate away from applications employees are using every day, get complete visibility of booked and pending holidays in Office 365. Let employees and managers book annual leave from Outlook.
  • Sign-in options
    From Single Sign-On to social sign in options, choose and configure sign-in options that suit your business and save users time.

The Mobile App

Pay documents

From payslips to P60s, it’s all in the app. Let employees download and send their pay documents as they wish.

People directory

Employees can quickly search the workforce directory. Finding profile pictures and contact details.

Personal details

Personalise profiles with a display picture, add and edit dependant details and access employee contracts.

phone top
phone bottom

Timesheets & expenses

Quick timesheet & expense submissions. Managers can approve and reject at the touch of a button.


Submit leave, holidays and attach sick notes to leave requests, easily compare leave in the team calendar.


Employees can save on thousands of high street brands, straight from their phone with our Employee Discounts integration.

Easy to trust

The payroll & HR data of a business is arguably the most sensitive of all, put your trust in our software.

  • Backed by Microsoft Azure
    Microsoft Azure delivers ongoing updates, so no need for your IT department to manage ageing infrastructure.
  • password-desktop-approved
    Secure & compliant
    We work with technology that continuously monitors security, while continued updates ensure legislation compliance.
  • Trusted experts
    From experts on our Advice Line, to payroll operators with years of experience and CIPP qualifications, you can trust our team.

Ready to upgrade?

Of course you are. Drop us a line and your Account Manager will be in touch about your upgrade.

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