Employment Law Solicitors T&Cs (SRA) | Moorepay

Employment Law Solicitors

Terms and conditions

Employment Law Solicitors

If you have a concern

When you contact our solicitors their advice is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA). If you feel you’ve not received a high quality, professional service then we would appreciate it if you could raise that with us, so that we can improve our service.

If you feel that the service from one of our solicitors falls below professional standards, then you’re also able to contact the SRA to raise any concerns for them to investigate.

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How to contact the SRA

Details of how to raise any issue or complaint with the SRA are available on their website. Alternatively, you can contact the Legal Services Ombudsman. Where you take advice on a matter directly from one of our solicitors, this will attract legal advice privilege.

The Solicitors Compensation Scheme is not available in relation to claims against our solicitors but their work is covered as part of ourĀ professional indemnity insurance.

Employment Law Solicitors SRA

Chat to the team

Want to learn more about our about our Employment Law Solicitors? We’re always here for a chat.