Why HR efficiency is crucial to every business - and how to achieve it! | Moorepay
November 15, 2021

Why HR efficiency is crucial to every business – and how to achieve it!

Why HR efficiency is crucial to every business

Call us biased, but at the heart of every great business is a great HR team. So what happens if they aren’t on full cylinders? Well, the whole house falls down. We explain why HR efficiency is business critical and the inside scoop on how you can achieve it.

Why is it so important?

The HR department oversee the whole employee lifecycle. From recruitment and onboarding to employee engagement, getting people paid and exit interviews.

So if your HR processes are clunky, slow and not meeting employee demands you can bet your bottom dollar your employees are going to notice. Poor HR processes and efficiency are a tell-tell sign of inadequate investment in people, and a quick way to frustrate your workforce.

How to achieve it?


They say money talks, and we aren’t one to argue. Whether it’s investing in the right people, or the right software and services, your HR department needs investment to get things processes adequately. It’s worth noting that the amount of investment will vary from business to business. It will depend on things like company size, employee churn, sector and so on. Investing into the department and the processes around it will give you clear vision for the future and help you save money in the long run. Good HR functions are the basis of a great place to work, and what does that mean? Well attracting and retaining the best in the industry to keep your company ticking over.


You can have the best HR talent in the industry sat in your team, but if they spend all their time inputting the same data across different systems, their brain power is as much use as a goldfish. Let us give you the gift of integration. Truly integrated systems reduce manual input, save users time and fight off those pesky human errors that come along with rekeying data. Trust us when we say integration and efficiency go hand in hand.


Remember the days when ATMs weren’t knocking around? Withdrawing money meant speaking to a human face-to-face (scary we know) and waiting for this transaction to be processed. In life as we know it, this interaction is automated. In the world of HR, automation is more along the lines of hierarchy approval sending leave requests to the right manager, and less about interacting with Tim down at Natwest. But the point still stands: automated processes drive efficiency and pace within teams. It’s important to source software and suppliers where there is a heavy focus on automating processes to better efficiency.

Know when to outsource

While we might like to think we’re experts in everything, (yes, we could win University Challenge if only we had the chance) sometimes HR departments need to know when to call in the cavalry. In cases that have a likelihood in ending in Employment Tribunal, you guessed it, bring in HR experts, think about indemnity insurance and seek advice. A common pitfall of many HR department is that they think they can tackle everything alone. There are time, money and hassle savings to be had by outsourcing some services.

Update your processes

Ah HR… It’s new legislation, improved ‘best practice’ and changing advice, all the things we eat for breakfast. As the industry and your business changes, you’ll no doubt be updating policies and procedures. The most important thing to do is communicate these changes and keep everyone on the same page. For goodness sake don’t leave them buried in a Teams chat, bottom draw, or under a coffee mug – get them out there for the world to see.

Look for HR help from the experts? (Cough, that’s us.) Discover leading HR Software to support your team and HR Services for that all important expertise.

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Molly Chapman Product Marketing Manager
About the author

Molly Chapman

Molly Chapman is the Product Marketing Manager at Moorepay, having joined our team in 2020. In short, Molly helps bridge the gap between our products and the customer: communicating the benefits and technical details of our products to ensure that our customers get the best out of Moorepay’s payroll & HR software and services. Working for many years in product marketing, most notably within the travel industry, Molly has an established background in bringing value to her client base. Outside of work, Molly enjoys experimenting with vegetarian cooking, walking the dogs and a good B&M bargain.

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