Three tools your payroll department needs to work efficiently and grow your business | Moorepay
June 19, 2021

Three tools your payroll department needs to work efficiently and grow your business

3 tools your payroll department needs to work efficiently and grow your business

If you’re like us, then you’ll love productivity. It’s at the heart of any growing business, but what do your payroll team need in their locker to be working at their most efficient?

Great UX

Clunky software, difficult-to-navigate screens and don’t even get us started on buffering. Ultimately poor user experience is going to lead to sloppy payroll. We’re talking people not being paid on time, inaccuracies, and it could very well impact team retention. In fact, research from Workfront suggests that almost half of workers will quit due to poor software. Intuitive software user experience should work instinctively with your payroll team, letting them blast through workload, with a clear view of what they need at their fingertips.

Automated calculations

As a small business, manually calculating sick pay, leave and holiday accruals is manageable. However, as your business grows this quickly can become out of hand and let’s face it, there is only so much your poor payroll team can handle! The larger the workload, the larger the room for error, and the more it could hurt your business. Clever software will automate the bulk of payroll calculations, meaning your team are freed up to focus their efforts elsewhere. The only thing left for your payrollers to do is bin their calculators!

Compliant payroll

Your number one priority should always be payroll compliance. That’s because fines from HMRC come with a heavy price tag. So how can you have compliance peace of mind when legislation changes at the drop of a hat? Traditionally payrollers would need to digest the latest legislation, apply this to payroll and then spend time checking it. Clever payroll software will consider the latest legislation and how this should be applied to payroll, meaning you can sleep easy in the knowledge your people are being paid accurately and on time, all whilst maintaining compliance.

Not sure about the efficiency of your payroll department? Searching for a more hands-on solution? Check out our guide to outsourcing payroll to see if it’s a fit for your business.

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About the author

Karis Lambert

Karis Lambert is Moorepay's Digital Content Manager, having joined the team in 2020 as Digital Marketing Executive. Karis is CIM qualified, and keeps our our audience up-to-date with payroll and HR news and best practice through our digital channels, including the website. She's also the co-founder of our LGBTQIA+ network Moore Visibility.

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