Four quick tips for faster timesheet processing | Moorepay
April 7, 2021

Four quick tips for faster timesheet processing

Payroll manager processing timesheets

When the end of the month is hurtling towards you the last thing you need is outstanding, incomplete or downright wrong timesheets. The key to end of month bliss? A timely and clean timesheet process powered by your people managers.

“But how?” we hear you cry. Well, that’s what we answer in this article.

Electronic timesheets

It’s a scene that managers know far too well.

Chasing down timesheets, cross-referencing the rota for the week or the month, back-and-forth with employees just to know the whole process is liable to human error, mis payments and missed deadlines!

If you’re looking for a sign to do away with the paper and quill, then this is it. Automated and electronic timesheets do the grunt work for your managers and more importantly your department. Opt for software with a user-friendly interface and intuitively prompts users to reduce the number of questions your department receives.

Electronic clock-in clock-out processes

Unfortunately, ‘budding-up’ and employee time theft can be rife in companies when relying on a paper timesheet system. Clever clock-in systems will work with GPS, biometric logins with timestamps and even clock-in from employee mobile devices. Opting for an electronic clock-in system that feeds into payroll means you’ll be working with reliable data, and trustworthy hours!

A structured & documented process

Every business is different, so that means every timesheet approval process will be different too. But there is one thing that should remain the same, and that is a well-documented and understood approval process. Make sure that any changes to process are documented and communicated to all managers. If processes change heavily it might be worth running internal training to ensure managers have a full understanding.

Reiterating deadlines

It goes without saying, as a payroller you’re going to want time on your side! Sending reminders to your people managers and having hard deadlines that your managers must work to sets the president every month. It helps to send your people manager reminders if you are constantly dealing with your team overshooting deadlines. Clever payroll software will send notifications and prompts to your people managers, so that’s one less thing for you to worry about.

In summary

Manual timesheet management and errors can be incredibly costly to your business and result in lost days of productivity. Without proper timesheet process in place it can be difficult to gain an accurate overview of employee costs, not to mention employees might be getting paid on false working hours.

Ultimately, slow timesheet approval can have a knock-on effect to payroll processing. Ensure your managers follow these top tips to get your timesheet ducks in a row.

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