One third of employees to bunk off work this summer! | Moorepay
May 17, 2021

One third of employees to bunk off work this summer!

bunking off work this summer

Findings from our survey of more than 700 people reveal almost a third (32%) would consider bunking off work this summer.

The research shows the top reasons for bunking off include catching up with friends, going on holiday, spending time with the kids, and going to the pub for a sneaky pint!

All of this will come as no surprise to employers this year. Lockdown restrictions are set to lift completely by 21 June and experts are predicting a heatwave in the summer months. Feeling like they want a refund for 2020, employees who ordinarily play by the rules might be inclined to sneak away from work.

So, what would stop people bunking off? Interestingly, 19% of survey respondents said more relaxed managers that support the work-life balance.

A further 19.5% of respondents said more job satisfaction would stop them bunking off.

So, what does this mean for people managers and HR?

Supporting work-life balance

First up, it might be time to start thinking about empowering teams with increased flexibility.

Does everyone have to start at 9am and finish at 5.30pm? Or is there some wiggle room? And do all your employees need to be in the workplace every day of the week?

There’s never been a better time to embrace flexible working and the benefits it can bring, including improved work-life balance for your employees. Of course, if you’re considering flexible working or a hybrid model, there are some important considerations – sign up to our webinar ‘Implementing a hybrid working model’ to learn more.

Driving job satisfaction

Key drivers of job satisfaction include reward and recognition.

But it’s not just about giving everyone a pay rise – which might be unrealistic following the pandemic! What about reviewing the employee benefits you offer? The provision of private healthcare, discounted gym memberships, subsidised eye care or an Employee Assistance Scheme (EAP) through a benefits platform can boost job satisfaction at a fraction of the cost of companywide pay increases.

And when it comes to implementing a recognition scheme, this can cost as much or as little as you choose. Whether it’s setting up a public forum for colleagues to share positive feedback, or awarding vouchers to those who demonstrate your company values. It all goes a long way to improving job satisfaction.

Managing absence

Employers will need to prioritise managing absence this year. This includes regularly reviewing spikes in absence, communicating the company policy to employees, and enforcing those absence procedures.

For more information on how to take care of all this, check out the ultimate guide to employee absence. It explains everything from what you need to cover in your absence policy, to how to manage disciplinary action and dismissals.

What next?

Well, the good news is, 68% of employees would never bunk off work, so that’s something, right? But perhaps you have concerns about the other 32%? Maybe it’s time to consider a hybrid working model to support a more flexible approach to working.

Find out more about the hybrid working consultancy services offered by our HR and employment law experts, by giving us a call on 0345 184 4615.

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About the author

Amy Morrison

Amy is responsible for digital content at Moorepay, which includes creating resources for the Knowledge Centre, and making ongoing improvements to the website. With experience in digital marketing, and content and communications, and with a CIPR Certificate in Public Relations, Amy brings a range of skills to her role as Digital Content Manager at Moorepay.

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