Our Next Generation Software & Microsoft Technology | Moorepay
January 12, 2022

Our Next Generation Software & Microsoft Technology

microsoft azure on tablet

As part of our Next Generation Software, we’re now operating across the latest Microsoft Azure cloud-based solution. But what does that mean? Well, we’re glad you asked!

On the surface of it, you might not think this is the most exciting feature across our Next Generation Software – but that’s where you’d be mistaken. Hosting our software on Microsoft Azure comes with some notable benefits. We’re talking streamlined processes, improved flexibility and added security to boot. It’s technology that we’re happy to put our trust in, and you will be too.

What is cloud-based?

For the non-techy, a cloud-based solution refers to on-demand services, accessed via the internet. More specifically, it’s accessed through another provider’s shared cloud computing infrastructure. No need for you to get special software or hardware to access your data, you just need an internet connection.

Still with us?

What this actually means for your payroll & HR solution?

Improved security

Being based on Microsoft Azure adds an extra level of security. Microsoft provides infrastructure updates while providing a secure foundation on which we’ve built our technology. Trusted by millions across the globe, the Azure platform means IT departments can sleep safe in the knowledge that multi-factor authentication across desktop and mobile keeps private and personal data secure.

Easy integration

Our platform uses a standard API architecture, allowing easy integration with third-party solutions. So, what does that mean for your payroll?

It means applications you already know and love can easily be slotted into our payroll and HR software. Wave goodbye to multiple downloads, duplicate data and missed opportunities!


In a world where trains, cafes, hot desks and living rooms are people’s workplaces, it’s essential that services can be accessed anytime, anywhere on any device. Cloud-based software enables instant access to users and employees, 24/7, wherever they are.


If there’s one thing you want to be reliable, it’s your payroll & HR services. Being cloud-based means our platform benefits from continuous and seamless improvement through real-time deployment of upgrades, enhancements and bug fixes. The outcome? A highly reliable and legislatively compliant solution.

Moorepay & Microsoft 365

A fan of Microsoft Teams and Outlook? No need to break up with your Microsoft Office 365 functionality. Our switch to cloud-based means our systems communicate and integrate seamlessly with one of the biggest digital productivity providers on the planet.

Our Single Sign-On capabilities will see employees’ blast through login screens. No frustrations, no password management, no security issues.

So, what does this integration look like for employees and managers? Well, with our Next Generation Software employees and manager can view pending and approved holiday in Outlook and Teams calendars. We’re always looking to add functionality to streamline our services and innovate our processes, letting your employees focus on their goals with no obstacles!

Now that’s software that’s easy to trust. Interested in our Next Generation Software?

Easy to use. Easy to access. Easy to trust.

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Molly Chapman Product Marketing Manager
About the author

Molly Chapman

Molly Chapman is the Product Marketing Manager at Moorepay, having joined our team in 2020. In short, Molly helps bridge the gap between our products and the customer: communicating the benefits and technical details of our products to ensure that our customers get the best out of Moorepay’s payroll & HR software and services. Working for many years in product marketing, most notably within the travel industry, Molly has an established background in bringing value to her client base. Outside of work, Molly enjoys experimenting with vegetarian cooking, walking the dogs and a good B&M bargain.

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