New Product Launch: Introducing People Analytics | Moorepay
January 24, 2018

New Product Launch: Introducing People Analytics

Introducing People Analytics, Delivering you Insight from your payroll & HR Data

Moorepay are pleased to announce the launch of our new People Analytics Solution, designed to deliver business managers and HR professionals real insight from their payroll & HR data.

  • See clear opportunities for cost-reduction
  • Predict future requirements and trends
  • Drive business efficiency from informed decision making

Available now, this new solution brings real-time, data-driven dashboards and charts so you can see what’s happening with the people in your business at-a-glance, finally providing you with the information you need to develop your HR strategy and maturity.

How People Analytics can help your business

Payroll & HR users often have no real insight into their people data – and if they do, they rarely have the time to drill down into the detail needed to uncover the intelligence needed to make a decisive impact.

And if they have this data they will have to spent many, many hours collating the information – often from different software platforms and manually inputting paper records.

Plus, this won’t necessarily be the latest information available either.

This means that all too often HR decision makers are having to make key strategic business decisions with either insufficient and/or out-of-date data to guide them…

Not good for delivering optimal business performance.

A People Analytics Solution gives you three key outcomes to reverse this trend and get ahead of your competition:

1. Insights
See real-time, data-driven insights from clever metrics and machine learning that provides insights you didn’t know you needed to know

2. Retention
Employee retention is a key metric in any HR strategy. Measure and understand why and when your employees leave so you can identify and address key issues causing employee turnover

3. Productivity
Speed up your decision making process and allow machine learning to help you prepare for and manage predicted future events, including alerts for flight risks

Find out how you can deliver your entire payroll & HR data strategy through Moorepay People Analytics:


People Analytics – The Professional’s View

The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development have published a factsheet to help you understand the benefits of HR analytics.

“[HR professionals and business owners] should view data and analytics as an emergent HR capability, and one that requires further investment”

Some of the key benefits they identify include:

Enhancing employee morale
Instead of absorbing the costs of losing key employees, organisations can mitigate against increased attrition rates by measuring the happiness and well-being of their employees and adapting their offer accordingly. Career-development planning and learning and development for high performers are both ways HR departments can use HR data to help improve the morale of the workforce.

Driving business performance
HR analytics can help to address performance issues by identifying workers with strong leadership skills and flagging those which do not mix with the culture of the team or organisation. By better matching job applicants or future successors to the right positions, organisations can improve their overall performance.

Improving retention
An organisation which is suffering from high turnover of key employee groups can use HR analytics to anticipate areas with specific issues and can then tailor their incentives to curb attrition accordingly. Better measuring of the impact of HR activity on turnover can illustrate the specific needs of certain employee groups, for example adapting incentives for senior leaders and key people to meet their needs and keep them from leaving.

People Analytics from Moorepay

What specific features are included in Moorepay’s People Analytics Solution?

  • Access to a suite of real-time dashboards – instant access to a wide range of real-time visual payroll & HR dashboards, which summarises large volumes of data into digestible chunks to deliver accurate and in-depth insight to achieve a highly intelligent view of your business
  • Drill through and filter data – easily segment and filter your data to refine the information and display the results you require
  • Create your own personal, at-a-glance dashboard – create your own personal dashboard to display key information for your role using the intuitive dashboard builder
  • Customised dimensions and metrics – slice and dice the data on your personal dashboard to deliver meaningful results for you and your role
  • Predictive analytics & machine learning – predictive analytics gives businesses the information they need to plan for the future based on the probability of different scenarios happening. Through identifying potential opportunities and risks, businesses can optimise their operations and streamline their business decision making process.
  • Flow your data into your existing Business Intelligence tools – easily export your data and results to work in your other Business Intelligence tools.

People Analytics integrates with our payroll & HR solutions. Find out how you can deliver your entire payroll & HR data strategy through Moorepay People Analytics:


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About the author

Stuart Clough

Stuart (MCIPR) is a trained journalist, writer and marketer with ten years' experience in B2B, public sector and employee communications. A former marketing consultant and agency client-lead, Stuart is responsible for communications and content at Moorepay.

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