An Update From Anthony | September 2020 | Moorepay
September 9, 2020

An Update From Anthony | September 2020

Whilst the COVID-19 pandemic is not over, now is perhaps a good time to reflect on how we at Moorepay have dealt with the situation and what we’ve learnt.

In previous communications, I shared the steps we pledged to take to support our customers, to continue to pay their people on time and in line with all the emergency changes to legislation and in particular the Job Retention Scheme.

And it’s with a great deal of pride I can say we have delivered on our promise of #keepingtheukpaid, running every payroll on time throughout this difficult period – that’s over 18,000 between March and July.

However, it was not without its challenges, and we didn’t quite achieve everything we set out to in the time frame we planned.

For instance, we wanted to make things easier for our customers by updating our payroll software to fully incorporate the Job Retention Scheme (JRS). This was a huge undertaking and something that, across our industry, few providers were bold enough to try.

Our product teams worked exceptionally hard to keep up with the changing legislation to deliver this new functionality. To put the scale of this challenge in context, where in normal circumstances we’d have months to prepare our products for legislative changes, we had just days to get to grips with these complicated updates and frequently changing guidance.

As a result, the delivery of some of the elements of the JRS report functionality took longer than we originally communicated. I’d like to apologise to those customers that this delay affected. However, we did succeed in delivering the functionality and are now one of the few payroll service providers to have fully built the Job Retention Scheme and associated reporting into our software product and service offering. We have done this at no extra cost to our customers as we strongly believed that this was simply the right thing to do.

I would also like to thank our payroll and HR teams who have worked tirelessly since late March to respond to a huge influx of customer queries. Our payroll operations team responded to more than 131,000 calls and emails between March and July, while our HR Advice Line saw a 20% jump in queries almost overnight.

On the back of this dedication and hard work, we’ve had many messages from customers thanking our people for doing whatever it takes to ensure payrolls are met and their businesses are compliant with the latest changes to payroll legislation and employment law updates.

The speed of change across our industry during the last few months has been incredibly tough for all of the team, and potentially there are still some difficult times ahead. All of this has reminded me of a simple truth: making payroll & HR easy is hard work. But this spurs us on to work smarter, to support our colleagues and to be doubly committed to finding ways to make things easier for our customers.

On that note, here’s what lies ahead for Moorepay.

Firstly, we look forward to the arrival of our Next Generation payroll & HR software. Easy-to-use software, with rich functionality and a brand-new look and feel, supported by an API platform that will allow easy data integration with a range of other vital business systems.

We’re also really pleased to be launching an Employee Self-Service App which is something that our customers have been asking us to prioritise. We’re excited about how much simpler and cleaner access for employees will be to their vital pay and HR information.

Over the coming months, I’ll be sharing more information about our product releases. Plus, I’ll be inviting customer feedback via webinars, surveys and customer forums.

In the meantime, if you’d like to get in touch, please speak to your account manager who, as always, will be happy to help you.

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Anthony Vollmer MD of Moorepay against brick wall
About the author

Anthony Vollmer

Anthony is Managing Director of Moorepay. Previously, Anthony led two of the most successful challenger brands in UK telecoms. As CEO, he led the rapid growth of Tesco Mobile to become the UK’s largest and most successful virtual mobile network, delivering material profit growth to JV partners Tesco and Telefonica and industry leading levels of customer satisfaction.

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