10 Festive Ideas to Boost Employee Wellbeing | Moorepay
December 4, 2018

10 Festive Ideas to Boost Employee Wellbeing

10 festive ideas to boost employee wellbeing

December’s not the best is it? You go to work in the dark. And come home in the dark. You’re dreading snow because – let’s face it – the country will grind to a halt.

You’ve heard ‘I Wish it Could be Christmas Every Day’ eight times now. And no. You don’t. Because if it was Christmas every day, you’d be bankrupt. And probably quite bloated. The kids have already obliterated their advent calendars and your cat keeps fighting with the Christmas tree.

Still, at least you can enjoy a bit of Port on a Tuesday night because, you know: ‘it’s Christmas!’

But what can you do at work?! We reckon December is a great opportunity to boost employee wellbeing. So here are some ideas to bring festive cheer to your colleagues this year!

1. Listen to Magic Radio

They’re playing Christmas music all December. So you can hear ‘I Wish it Could be Christmas Every Day’ every day.

Research shows that music can really boost employee wellbeing. So even if it’s just for an hour a day, consider playing a few festive tunes.

2. Mince Pie Monday

This is an easy one. Bulk buy some pies on Sunday night. Or – even better – encourage people to make them and bring them in.

You could even have a bake-off!

3. Christmas Jumper Day

This is a classic that pretty much everyone will love. There are tonnes of festive jumpers in the shops this month, so the whole office can easily get involved.

10 festive ideas to boost employee wellbeing

4. Christmas Jumper Day… for Pets

This is similar to our last suggestion. But even better.

Did you know that having pets at work can help foster a healthy and happy workplace and boost employee wellbeing? Check for things like allergies and phobias first, but if you get the all clear: BRING ON THE PETS!

5. Put up a Tree

If you haven’t done this already, you’ve broken the law. As per the Nordmann Fir Act 1806.

Just Kidding! That’s not really a law., but we do think that Christmas trees add plenty of festive cheer to the office, so consider putting one up (just be sure to do it safely).

6. Play Secret Santa

Agree a budget and use an online generator to divvy out the names (try Secret Santa Organizer). We’d encourage you to set some ground rules in terms of gift buying. It’s supposed to be a fun game, so setting some gift-guidelines ensures no one crosses the line with inappropriate present buying.

7. Introduce New Benefits

We’re not supposed to push products in our blogs. So we – obviously – won’t mention our brand new employee benefits platform.

What we will say, is that a good benefits system gives employees access to amazing discounts, gift cards and cashback, from industry-leading providers. And that financial wellbeing is a key component of overall wellbeing.

Maybe it’s worth mulling over?

8. Hang mistletoe

OK, so this is more of a ‘what not to do.’

We checked internally with our Employment Law experts on this one and the consensus is: it’s not a good idea. So steer clear of the mistletoe!

9. Decorate Your Desk Competition

This is a nice way to inject some colour into the normally a-bit-drab-office. If you’re conscious about being environmentally friendly, encourage people to use paper and card-based decorations.

Boost employee wellbeing - Christmas lunch

10. Have a Team Lunch

What better way to end the year? Choose a local café, restaurant or pub. Book a big table. And maybe let everyone finish a bit early. Go on… ‘it’s Christmas!’

Oh. And don’t forget the crackers:

…Did Rudolph go to school?

…No, he was elf-taught!

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About the author

Amy Morrison

Amy is responsible for digital content at Moorepay, which includes creating resources for the Knowledge Centre, and making ongoing improvements to the website. With experience in digital marketing, and content and communications, and with a CIPR Certificate in Public Relations, Amy brings a range of skills to her role as Digital Content Manager at Moorepay.

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